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Q: How much carbon dioxide is taken up by forests?
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How much percent of carbon dioxide have in Sprite?

Sprite has 6% of carbon dioxide

What are facts about how deforestation leads to pollution of the atmosphere?

Forests play an important role in the carbon cycle, moving carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis, storing the carbon and releasing the oxygen. Deforestation, which means destroying forests, not just trees, removes all the trees which have been acting as a great carbon sink, or store.This means that carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, and one that is largely responsible for man-made global warming is not removed from the atmosphere as much as it was before.The US Supreme Court has classed carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as pollution.

What are the two ways that deforestation adds to the greenhouse effect?

Forests store carbon, sequestering it from the atmosphere. Deforestation means the timber may be used and eventually converted to carbon dioxide, or left to rot, which also means that it is converted to carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Either way, deforestation contributes to increasing carbon dioxide levels and consequently the global warming process. More detail: Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to improve the value of tracts of land by making space for farms usually. Trees are a large source of oxygen and also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. by cutting down trees, you limit the amount of carbon dioxide being removed from the air and, usually, the trees are burnt after being cut down in a 'chop and burn' method, this releases the carbon in the tree which reacts with oxygen because of the heat and moving into the atmosphere. As of such, not only does deforestation remove sources of oxygen and carbon dioxide sinks (a 'reservoir' of CO2) it also adds excess oxygen into the atmosphere. Forests are a strong "carbon sink." Through a process called photosynthesis, forests consume carbon dioxide and, using energy from sunlight, 'eat' the carbon atom in the carbon dioxide molecule, using it to create sugars and other nutrients and releasing the leftover oxygen. While all plants do this, tall, dense forests are the most efficient in terms of how much carbon a square acre of forest can remove from the atmosphere. Deforestation -- the widespread destruction of forest -- reduces the planet's ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere. This exacerbates the problem of carbon dioxide emissions because it lowers how much carbon can be removed from the atmosphere.

How much carbon dioxide is in root beer?

6 percent of root beer is carbon dioxide

Is the Amazon affecting global warming?

The Amazon Basin has had much of its forests destroyed. These trees used to be a carbon sink, that is, they removed and stored carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Their removal means that global warming is happening more quickly!

How are forests important to us and other living things?

Forests are real natural treasures. They provide much of our earth's natural habitats for much of the wildlife. if we cut down forests, the wildlife there will die out and that will destroy the food chain and eventually us. The trees provide all living things with clean O2 or Oxygen. The forests convert Carbon dioxide (All our fault) and provide clean oxygen and because we are cutting these treasures, the amount of Carbon Dioxide is surpassing the amount of clean oxygen for all living things to breathe and live off of. Please, save our environment.

Where does carbon dioxide go when it leaves earth's atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide does not leave the atmosphere into space, but rather back to the earth and the oceans. Much of it is taken up by plants through photosynthesis, while much of the remainder is taken up by oceans. Oceans, however, also outgas a considerable amount, so it is not just a one-way transport.

If the rain Forrest is destroyed will you all die?

It is possible because the rain forest like all forests provides much need oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the air thruogh photosynthesis without the rain forests we would have less oxygen and more carbon dioxide. this will also cause a more dramatic greenhouse gas amount and the planet will warm up hope this helps

How much carbon dioxide will be produced when one kilo of pure carbon burned?

C + O2 -------> CO2 12g of carbon produces 44g of carbon dioxide 1kg of carbon will produce 3-67kg of carbon dioxide

What does CO2 mean in global warming?

CO2 stands for carbon dioxide, one atom of carbon and two of oxygen. It is a greenhouse gas that captures the sun's heat in the atmosphere and too much of it is causing global warming. The problem comes because we cut down forests and are now burning fossil fuels which release the carbon dioxide.

How much carbon dioxide is in sprite?


Does deforestation help to reduce global warming?

Deforestation reduces the ability of vegetation to sequester (remove from the atmosphere) CO2. Also the initial clearing of vegetation can release large amounts of CO2. Predominantly though, the burning of fossil fuels is responsible for global warming.