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Depends on the size of your pellet. 1 kg of Uranium235 is equivalent to 1500 tonnes of coal.

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Q: How much coal has to be burned to equal the potential energy obtained by breaking one pellet of uranium?
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What is the source of plutonium?

Plutonium is obtained by the irradiation of uranium in nuclear reactors; the "burned" nuclear fuels are recycled to extract plutonium.

What is plutonium cycle?

Plutonium obtained in nuclear reactors with uranium fuels after recycling of the burned fuels can be used also as a nuclear fuel.

Why will uranium run out?

Because uranium is "burned" in nuclear reactors.

Can you recycle uranium and plutonium?

Yes, it is possible to recycle "burned" uranium and plutonium.

Where plutonium foun d?

Plutonium is found in the nature only as ultra-traces accompanying uranium minerals. Plutonium is obtained in industrial quantities in the nuclear reactors technology, by reprocessing of the burned nuclear fuels.

Is nuclear burned?

Nuclear energy as obtained in nuclear reactor power plants comes from the fission or splitting of the nuclei of uranium and plutonium. It is not a chemical burning process and does not need any other elements to make it happen.

Where does the uranium go after being used?

Depending on the enrichment in U-235 burned uranium is recycled or stored as radioactive wastes.

Why is uranium a nonrenewable resource but not a fossil fuel?

1. Uranium is "burned" in a nuclear power reactor and slowly consumed. 2. Petroleum and methane are of organic origin; uranium not.

Did Chernobyl fallout have plutonium?

All "burned" uranium fuels contain plutonium.

How can plutonium be created?

By irradiation of uranium in nuclear reactors and separation from the burned nuclear fuel.

Where is plutonium produced?

Plutonium is obtained by recycling "burned" nuclear fuels.

What is a non renewable of Uranium U 235?

The fissile isotope uranium 235 is "burned" in the nuclear reactors to obtain electrical/thermal energy. The atom is destroyed by nuclear fission.