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3200 to 3500 bushels

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Q: How much corn or grain can a railcar hold?
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How much to ship hay by railcar?

It is going to depend upon the distance from the origin of the hay to the destination. Also think about loading from field to railcar on one end and unloading from railcar and hauling to destination.

How much grain can one rail car hold?

average 3500bushels

Is sweet corn on the cob considered grain free?

No. Corn is still a grain, no matter if it's on the cob in a much softer stage (called the "milk stage") than the grain collected when it is at a fully mature, hard-dough stage. You're still eating grain, even though it may be classified in the grocery isle as a "vegetable."

How much corn will 55 gallon drum hold?

A 55 gallon drum will hold approximately 390 lbs. of corn. If the drum has a funnel installed, may hold as much as 430 lbs.

How much corn did Iowa grow in 2009?

Iowa farmers planted 13.6 million acres of corn in 2009, yielding 2.42 billion bushels of grain and 4.84 million tons of corn silage.

How much corn is in cattle feed?

It depends on the location, and the type or class of animals fed. There can be as little as no corn (0%) in a feed ration for cattle, or as much as 85% in a feed ration. Not all areas in the world can or will grow corn, and not all feed fed to cattle includes corn. For instance, much of the grain fed to cattle in Canada is barley or oats, not corn.

How much grain does a commercial semi-trailer carry when full?

80,000 Lbs legally Corn would be 1428 bushels

How much grain should your 4 month old calf be eating?

Cereal grain is the best to feed a calf. This includes corn, oats, barley and rye.

How much money is produced by corn?

It's difficult to figure the total worldwide economic benefit from corn production, but just to give you an idea of the scale, the 2011 US corn (for grain) production was valued at $76.46 billion dollars.

What grain has the highest amount of energy oats corn barley or wheat?

Oats has a slightly higher amount of energy than corn and wheat, and much more than barley. Oats is, however, much higher in fibre content than either corn, wheat or barley.

How much corn does Russia produce?

The nation of Russia produces about 6 to 7 million tons of corn per year. The production of that grain has been going up consistently for several years.

Will you die from eating only corn?

By itself corn does not have all the nutrients you need to survive. You need a good balance of all the food groups (grain, dairy, protein, and vegetables) in order for your diet to be healthy.