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DON"T DO IT!!! Why on earth would you want to do something as drastic as that?Adding even a tiny amount of pure concentrated H2SO4 to a tank containing fish is begging for trouble. You are more likely to kill (from pH shock) your fish and every other living thing in the tank than do anything else if you add any amount of H2SO4 to it. Go to a good garden centre and get some PEAT MOSS (product of Sphagnum Moss). It must be the real thing and not any kind of modern (Coir) substitute. Place some of this (pre soaked) peat moss in a stocking and put that into your filter (Or a corner of the tank) so that the water can run through it. It will slowly and gently and naturally lower the pH. It will also lower the GH/KH/DH slowly.

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Q: How much crystal sulfuric acid to use in a fish tank to lower pH?
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Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas or liquid with a strong, choking odor. It is produced from the burning of fossil fuels and the smelting of mineral ores that contain sulfur. Sulfur dioxide dissolves easily in water to form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is a major component of acid rain. Acid rain can damage forests and crops, change the acidity of soils, and make lakes and streams acidic and unsuitable for fish.

Can you use muriatic acid to claify pond water?

All fish and plants will die. An acid will lower PH in the pond, a level that will clarify will surely kill all living things in it.

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Naturally occurring sulfur in diesel exhaust and coal smoke create sulfur dioxide , which combined with water vapor form sulfuric acid, which then falls to earth with the rain, damaging plants, killing fish and frogs, pitting paint, and eroding statues.

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On an alkaline diet us tunaq fish alkaline or acid

How is acid rain harmful?

Acid rain is harmful that question depends on how strong the acid is the lower the pH the stronger, Stronger acid corrodes your skin if you get caught in, kills trees by burning their interior cells, Corrodes organisms in lakes and if mixed with other acids this causes severe damages to houses. Sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere as a by-product of the combustion of coal or oil, and in the presence of water vapor, it chemically reacts in the atmosphere with oxygen - forming H2SO4 - Sulfuric Acid - the primary constituent of acid rain. Acid rain affects our environment in many ways. Acid rain affects the trees, fish life, crustaceans, contaminates lakes and swimholes and all these things can lead up to bigger problems.

What is the name of the acid in fish?

Fish oil contains two Omega 3 fatty acids called Docoashexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid

What can I do to help lower my cholesterol?

These are several foods you can eat to lower your cholesterol.First foods are oatmeal,oat bran and foods that are high in fiber.You can also eat fish and omega-3 fatty acid foods.You can also eat walnuts,almonds and other nuts.These are just a few tips to lower your cholesterol.

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Fish is more sensitive to acid rain than trees. However, this does not mean that acid rain will not have adverse effects on trees.

What kind of fish you can eat for you have high uric acid?

You should understand that when people digest protein, uric acid is a byproduct of that digestion. Fish does not contain uric acid, it contains protein. When you digest it, you will then produce uric acid. And all fish are high in protein. If you are trying to reduce the uric acid content of your blood, you will have to eat less fish in general. A vegetarian diet would work. Eat more avocados, less fish.

What fish low in uric acid?

Most fish is moderately high in uric acid. Some fish that have the lowest numbers are pike, perch, cod, sole, carp, and mackerel.

Why mountain tops are affected more by the acid rain than the lower plains?

There is no indication that mountain tops are more affected by acid rain thean the lower areas. If the mountain is sufficiently high (like the Rockies) the top is barren rock with no plant or animal life to be harmed. Mountain tops, given their more vertical nature, have few lakes to harbour fish so no harm to fish occurs. Many mountains are made of non-carbonate rocks do even the chemical reaction of acid rain is minimal.

How do you get the crystal in aqua grabber?

keep away from the fish and move slowly