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There is no indication that mountain tops are more affected by acid rain thean the lower areas. If the mountain is sufficiently high (like the Rockies) the top is barren rock with no plant or animal life to be harmed. Mountain tops, given their more vertical nature, have few lakes to harbour fish so no harm to fish occurs. Many mountains are made of non-carbonate rocks do even the chemical reaction of acid rain is minimal.

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Q: Why mountain tops are affected more by the acid rain than the lower plains?
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What countries are not affected by acid rain?

The countries that are not affected by acid rain are Australia,New Zealand and alot more!

Are evergreens affected by acid rain?

Yes, acid rains are dangerous for all vegetation species.

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Carbonic acid ionizes to form protons which lower pH .

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Salts are the result of acids neutralizing bases. If the base is weak and the acid is strong, the salt will have some acid character. If you dissolve an acid salt in water, it will lower the pH.