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the Army as an example had long tours (3 years) overseas and short tours (1 year) that is between US assignments (tours) Of the 20 years of active Army service I spent 8 years overseas..................

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Q: How much do military get to go overseas?
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No. There are several personnel in the military who will never see a combat tour - there are some who will never even see any overseas assignment, period.

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Type your answer here... Enlist as a fulltime student at an official College or University or Mallingering fake a sickness. Go into hiding. Go overseas.

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By ship; civilian or military.

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The Overseas Housing Allowance, or OHA, allows overseas military members to lease houses. OHA is paid to approximately 61,000 military members overseas yearly. This cost is over 9 billion annually.

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GI----CCCCCCGI overseas.(FYI: GI stands for Government Issue.)

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Host nation

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