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About $140 each. The president uses one pen for each letter of his name.

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Q: How much do the Presidential Ceremonial Pens Cost?
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if 15 pens cost £3.75 how much would 20 pens?


If 5 pens cost Rs. 20.25 how much do 2 pens cost?

One pen cost 4.05 and so two pens cost 2*4.05 = 8.1 Rs

How much does a 72 pens set cost?

as much as you want to pay.

How much does a pack of pens cost?

a package of pens can range from $1 to $4, depending on quantity, brand, quality, and material.

How much do Copic pens cost?

About $4 a pen and about $70 for a set.

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6.60 Each pen costs 1.90 and each notebook costs 1.40

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What was pens developed for?

Developed to cost much less then a feather and ink, and to be formed in numbers pens were developed to sell well and help people with their writing. /The Danswer

How much do swarovski crystals pens cost?

Swarovski crystal pens can range in price from around $30 to over $100, depending on the design, materials, and brand.

How much does the average mont blanc pen cost?

There are pens from about 250 to 700,000.

If 15 pens and 20 pencils cost as much as 20 pens and 15 pencilshow do you compare the costs of two?

this is a simple question that requires a little bit of substitution. before making hte 2 equations, we need to define our two unknowns, so let x= cost of pens y= cost of pencils therefore 15x + 20y= 20x = 15y -5x = -5y therefore x=y Hence, the cost of the pens and the pencils is the same.

How much package of 26 pens cost 12.25 what is the cost per pen rounded to the nearest cent?

After rounding it works out at 47 cent.