

How much do you get for babysitting for 2 years and 7 dollars an hour?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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* You would get $5,110 dollars for 2 years * but you would also get the hang of watching kids!<3 * but if you dont like kids you should not take the job!!!

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Q: How much do you get for babysitting for 2 years and 7 dollars an hour?
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There isn't one. Babysitting a sibling is a job appointed by one's parent/s, so the "legal age" would be whatever age your parent/s think you are responsible enough to babysit.

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Is 13 years old to young to be getting paid 10 dollars a hour for babysitting?

It is based upon the babysitting ethics of the child as well as the availability of the money for the clients. Sometimes baby sitting older kids does not take much effort because it might be a matter of watching T.V. with the kids or playing video games. If the child is baby sitting a real baby, much more effort is put in therefore the child should be paid $10 an hour. The child should, though, have enough knowledge to baby sit infants or they should be certified. If the parents of the kids they want baby sitted are rich, then $10 is not much of a problem. 10 dollars is okay compared to some people who may even pay as much as 50 dollars an hour. Watching t.v. for an hour with kids sitting nearby doesn't deserve $10.