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Sorry I cannot give you an exact number. However I used to work as an underwriter for a large financial organization and it was not uncommon to see an otherwise "good" credit report drop to a 620 or lower because of medical bills, making you undesirable. You have to ask yourself if it is worth just eating the bill so you can clear your good credit name.

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Q: How much does a 2000 medical collection lower your credit score?
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The fact of filing bankruptcy is already going to lower your credit score, and the point of bankruptcy, part of it anyway, is to resolve unpayable debt such as collection accounts. It is in your best interest to add the collection accounts to your bankruptcy, but if you consult your BK attorney, he is likely to advise you of this. The bankruptcy is the first next step in repairing your credit and improving your credit score.

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== == Collection account are 20% of the total credit score module.

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Only if it goes to a collection agency.

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While there's no definitive answer with respect to how many points your credit score may drop after a collection, a collection account is a clear indication that a loan, credit card or retail card was not repaid and payment history is one major contributing factor to your credit score. This can have a negative impact on your credit score.

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No. The only thing that can lower your score is when you apply for new credit. Many companies do background checks that include a credit report, but this will not lower your score. There are ways to avoid lowering your score on accident. Make sure you're not falling into these credit traps.

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Your credit score can be decreased by having collection accounts listed, a judgment, late payments or if you have too much available credit. If you have that much credit, you would want to contact the credit issuer to lower your credit limit. Your debt should never be more than 35% of the available credit. Timely, consistent payments to your creditors and low credit limits will help increase your credit score.

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If you reduce your credit limit on a credit card does it affect your credit score?

yes, it will lower your FICO score.

Do medical bills on credit report hurt credit score?

yes they do, they impact your score greatly

If you settle a chargeoff or collection does this increase your credit score?

Yes! I settled 2 collection accounts and my score stayed exactly the same.