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One of the largest ever recorded was 15 lbs and 7 oz. The baby was not changed after urining 4 times and he had diarrhea. This was done in a Huggies overnight diaper. They can also be very light, it depends on how much the baby had to go.

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Q: How much does a filled diaper weigh?
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How do you measure a soiled diaper?

Most companies use weight to measure how much a diaper can hold. Weigh it before and after then subtract the weight before from the weight after.

How do you figure urine output from a diaper?

Weigh the diaper dry and weigh it after it has been voided in. The difference is the amount of output.

How do you measure urine by diaper?

Weigh the diaper before putting it on the child and then weight it afterwards. Or weigh a bunch of them to find a good average weight, they are going to be pretty much identical. Weigh the diaper after removal and subtract the original weight and you have the amount of urine. You can remove any feces before weighing, unless that is important as well.

How much will a wet diaper weigh if the child output is 3.4 cc?

3.4cc plus the weight of the diaper. Depending on size. Easiest way to find out is to get a scale.

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25kg tbh

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Depends on the size of the tank.

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How do you weigh a wet diaper?

That's why they invented the scale -ilovehorseyrides

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Roughly 8.5 lbs per gallon. You do the Math.