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Q: How much does a person level of physical activity affect its daily energy?
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How does a person's level of physical activity affect it's energy needs?

cuz it does

What percentage of energy intake is expanded on physical activity for an average person?

about 1000kcal

How does a person's level of physical activity affect his or her daily energy needs?

If a person exercises for 2-3 hours a day, he would require more energy compared to a guy who doesn't exercise. This is because. the more exercise/physical activity you do, the increased amount of energy you use. Therefore, your body would need to replenish that used energy. This is done by increasing his/hers daily energy needs. A person who doesn't exercise would have a lower energy need as they don't use that much energy compared to an athlete.

How does a persons level of physical activity affect his or her energy needs?

If a person exercises for 2-3 hours a day, he would require more energy compared to a guy who doesn't exercise. This is because. the more exercise/physical activity you do, the increased amount of energy you use. Therefore, your body would need to replenish that used energy. This is done by increasing his/hers daily energy needs. A person who doesn't exercise would have a lower energy need as they don't use that much energy compared to an athlete.

What 3 factors that affect how much energy a person needs?

Basal metabolic rate: The energy required for basic bodily functions such as breathing, circulation, and cell production. Physical activity level: The more active a person is, the more energy they require to fuel their movements. Age and gender: Men generally require more energy than women, and energy needs decrease with age due to changes in muscle mass and activity level.

What are the two factors that can affect a persons energy requirements?

Two factors that can affect a person's energy requirements are their basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy needed to maintain basic bodily functions at rest, and their level of physical activity. People with higher BMRs or more active lifestyles will generally require more energy to support their daily activities.

A person running around a track demonstrates energy?

Yes, a person running around a track demonstrates kinetic energy, which is the energy possessed by a moving object. As the person moves, they convert chemical energy from food into mechanical energy, allowing them to run and exhibit physical activity.

How much heat does a person radiate?

On average, a person at rest radiates about 100-120 watts of heat energy. This number can increase with physical activity or if the environment is colder.

What happens when a person is in positive energy balance?

When a person has positive energy balance it actually means that the energy they get out of their food is more than they are using for digestion and physical activity. overtime increasing body weight and maybe causing CHD, diabetes or a high cholesterol.

Can your emotions affect your physical health?

Yes emotions can affect physical health in many cases. They affect brain, which affects the physical health of person.

What is each element of the FITT model and its description?

Frequency: The number of times a person engages in physical activity in a week.Intensity: How hard you work at the physical activity each time you are physically active.Time: The duration or amount of time you spend doing the physical activity.Type: The kind of physical activity in which you participate.Type-What kind of physical activity you participate inTime- How long you spend doing each physical activityIntensity- How much energy you exert each time you work outFrequency-How many times you exercise in a week

What are external influence's of physical activity?

Two external influences of physical activity is location and weather. If the weather is bad, a person does not want to get out and do physical activity. Apex Answer:A park in your neighborhood A friend who is physically active