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Q: How much does a teen-ager need in their body?
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How much water should a teenager drink after a run?

They should drink as much as their body tells them to. Your body has thirst sensors and they will tell the runner if they need to drink and how much.

Is it better to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep if you are a teenager?

When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.

How fat can an average teenager intake?

As much as their body can handle

How much sodium does a teenager need?

not more than 11mg.

How much sodium does a typical teenager need?

not more than 11mg.

How much fat the teenager needs?

60-85 but depends on body type and exercise

How much physical activity does a teenager need per day?

60 minutes.

How much protein does a teenager need per day to bulk up?

i dont know the answer

How much carbohydrates should a typical teenager need?

300000000 would be a good number

How much iron do vegetarian teenager need daily?

a banana a day will keep the vegetarianstrong everyday :)

Is 900 calories a day okay for a teenager?

Not at all! You need at least 1200 calories a day to keep your body going!

Why do teenagers need fats in their diets?

Teenagers, unlike their adult counterparts, have a much higher metabolism, which is the rate of which your body consumes fat for energy. They need more fats in their diet to fuel their body. Adults on the other hand, if they consume the same that a teenager would consume, they would experience weight gain.