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Q: How much does clay pottery made by Iroquois cost?
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What was Egyptian pottery made of?


Who were the clay soldiers made for?

The clay soldiers were made out of ceramics and pottery FOR Shi Huangdi!

What are arts and crafts made of clay?


When was the first clay pottery made?

in georgia

Is all pottery made from clay?


What was pottery made out of in ancient Greece?


What did bando make out of clay in your side of the mountain?

Bando Made pottery with the clay they found along the stream bank. The Pottery was for the Jam they made in "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN"

How was ancient egpytian pottery made?

It was made with clay, mud and water.

What is the basic ingredient used pottery?

clay, almost all pieces of pottery are made from a form of clay, such as terra cotta, stoneware, or porcelain

What is pottery made out of early civilization?

It depends on the civilization. Early American Native Americans wove baskets and some made clay pottery. In Ancient China the use of clay pottery was rampant throughout the society, so did the Greeks and Romans make clay pottery. The Egyptians also had clay pottery, baskets, and used metal to create cups, plates, and other items. Clay is rampant throughout the world and early people learned to use it very early.

How did the ancient Aztec's make pottery?

The Ancient Aztecs made pottery by building up layers of rolled clay.

How did they make greek pottery?

Greek pottery was typically made using a potter's wheel. The clay was shaped and decorated while it was still wet and then left to dry. Once dried, the pottery was fired in a kiln at high temperatures, which hardened the clay and created the durable and distinct red or black color of Greek pottery.