

Best Answer

I suspect you are talking about a 40 gallon water tank.

Is the tank an electric or Natural gas tank.

Are you asking how much for a plumber to do or are you asking about how much energy cost is to empty a water tank ?

I will assume you are talking about a professional coming in and empting your water heater tank, and also assuming you are doing this to get rid of the sediment in the tank.

A lot of assumptions here, probably why you have not recieved any replies.

So to empty a 40 gallon hot water tank and remove sediment takes about 2 hours. If the plumber is getting paid 80 per hour that is 160.

Cost of electric power to reheat that 40 gallons would depend on the cost of a KWh in your area but lets assume 8 cents per killowat. Lets say the Water heater is electric and has two 2500 watt elements and take about 1 hour to bring back up to temperature. Cost would be $4.00 to heat tank back up.

Cost of reheating if Natural Gas would probably be about 60% of the $4.00 which would be $2.40.

Improved Answer

Drain a H/W tank - The advantages and benefits of draining and cleaning your H/W tank far outweigh the minimal cost, believe me. This is an appliance you want to keep for years and to be efficient, so you must do maintenance. - You first turn OFF the power to tank, then attach a hose pipe to the bottom fitting, lead it outside or to any drain, turn on the valve by it, turn OFF your inlet valve and open the relief valve so air can enter the H/W tank. Let the whole tank empty -takes about 30 -40 minutes. Next, when empty turn ON the inlet valve and let cold water run through the tank and out the hose, now you will see the sludge coming out. Let this run 5-7 minutes or until water is coming through clean. Now you are done . Let it fill, then turn on power.

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