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Q: How much does hot buns as seen on tv cost?
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How much is a pack of hot dog buns?

That depends where you buy them. I have seen them range from 1.99 to 3.59

What kind of buns are hot?

hot cross buns

How much money do you pay for hot cross buns?


How much do 8 hot dog buns weigh?

16 ounces

How much is a hamburger?

Hmaburger buns cost relatively 2-4 dollars depending on what kind of brand. For example the Cheapest not so good tasting buns would cost 1-2. But the really good stuff would be like 2-4. Heck evn 1,000,000,000 dollars lol. What you could do is go to the store, get some sun and not ask dumb questions. Thanks for listening to my answer. BUTTHOLE? ---D pimp---

Who wrote hot cross buns?

BILLY GRAHAM wrote hot cross buns

Where are hot dog buns produced?

Various companies produce hot dog buns. A hot dog bun can essentially be produced anywhere in the world. It depends entirely on the company offering the hot dog buns.

What are the Words to hot cross buns song?

Hot cross buns Hot cross buns One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns. If you have no daughters If you have no daughters If you have no daughters Then give them to your sons. And if you have none of these merry little elves Then you must eat them all yourselves!

When were hot dogs first served in buns?

Hot dogs were first served in buns in 1976, when Hot Dogs were incredibly popular

What comes in a group of eight?

Hot dog buns Hamburger buns Hot dogs Paper towels Tortillas

Can you play hot cross buns on the piano c major?

Yes, I can play 'Hot Cross Buns' on the piano. If the question is as to which notes to use, you would E, D, and C to play 'Hot Cross Buns.'

Can you dip hot dog buns in butter and then make garlic toast with them?

You might get too much butter. I would suggest spreading butter within the cut of the buns.