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Q: How much does it cost a power plant to store nuclear waste?
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Is nuclear waste stored at a nuclear power plant?


What kind of plant has radioactive waste?

A nuclear power plant

Is waste of nuclear power stored in the power plant?


What waste problems of nuclear power plants is NOT a problem with a coal burning power plant?

fear of the waste.

What is the waste of nuclear power?

Nuclear reactors produce heat, the heat then is used to make steam, turning turbines. Therefore, the waste of a nuclear power plant is excess steam.

Which is a waste problem of nuclear power that does not occur with coal-burning power plants?

The only waste from a nuclear power plant is spent fuel rods, which can be reprocessed. The waste from a coal fired plant is carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, mercury, ash, and soot.

What does nuclear waste have to do with Nevada?

There was a proposal to build a long term waste store at Yucca Mountain in Nevada but this seems to have been abandoned, waste is to be stored on the power plant sites as it has been ever since they were built.

Does nuclear energy produce a lot of waste?

Yes; the average nuclear power plant yields about 3 tons of radioactive waste each year.

What are some of the negative impacts o f a nuclear power plant?

Radioactive waste, nuclear accident, public disapproval's

Why should they store nuclear waste at yucca mountain?

Well it should be desirable in the long run to store it in one specialised place rather than on individual power plant sites as at present in the US

Should you still use nuclear power?

Nuclear power is very good source of energy to turn to. The only problem is the storage of nuclear waste, that is left over after the nuclear reaction the power plant. The energy obtained from the nuclear power plant is very clean burning and more KJ/mole energy.

Where does radioactive waste go after it leaves the nuclear energy power plant.?

nowhere to kev yoxall