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Q: How much does it cost to pack and move a 3 bedroom?
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depends on the location and to which floor the movement is. Ideally the charge approx 1000/- same city.

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For a 1 Bedroom apartment the cost would be between $3,500- $4,500 depending on whether you include packing, insurance etc. However, the exact cost will depend on a variety of options including: The weight of your goods, The exact distance you are traveling, Whether you will be doing all the packing or having professionals pack for you, And also the time of the move as it is more expensive to move in Summer months.

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What does it cost to move a 3 bedroom home across country?

The cost will depend on a variety of options including:The weight of your goods,The distance you are traveling,Whether you will be doing all the packing or having professionals pack for you,And also the time of the move as it is more expensive to move in Summer months.You probably need to contact a reputable moving company to obtain a quote.

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A pack is $3.99 at Walmart or Target.

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How much more does it cost to have movers also pack household items?

It varries from house to house and depends on how much stuff to move in and out. It also depends on the moving company.

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One pack of Newport cigarettes cost approximately $6.50 in Wisconsin.