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Find the tag on the fireplace unit and note the Input rating, then divide that # by 1000 and the answer is the # of cubic feet of gas the burner burns in one hour. Or watch your gas meter for 60 seconds and note the cubic feet used and multiply that times 60 and again you have your cubic feet per hour #, use this method if you don`t see a tag. Be sure no other gas appliances in the home are operating while you are reading the meter. Then look at your gas bill and see what a cubic foot of gas costs you and multiply that by cubic feet per hour it uses times the # of hours you run it per night and you have your answer.

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Q: How much does it cost to run your gas fireplace a night?
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How much is the avg. gas fireplace installation cost in the U.S.?

The average gas fireplace installation cost is about $500. It is cheaper than a wood burning foreplace installation.

If I buy a napoleon gas fireplace, will my heating costs go through the roof?

No, a gas fireplace does not cost that much money to operate. They are more cost friendly than electric heaters.

How much should vent on gas fireplace be open?

to opn the fireplace and to make a resolotion/

What are the benefits of a wood burning fireplace versus a gas fireplace?

Some of the benefits of a wood burning fireplace include the lower cost of heating a home versus the cost of gas. Wood is also considered a renewable resource so it could be argued is better for the environment than the fossil fuel of gas.

Cost of vented gas fireplace?

The actualy vented gas fireplace is not that expensive. You can buy one for about 500 dollars. It is the installation of these systems that are very difficult, and expensive to have done.

How much does it cost to change your existing fireplace into a gas one?

The cost to change your existing fireplace into a gas fireplace will vary a great deal depending on your local economy. You have 4 factors to consider: 1. Do you have propane or natural gas? 2. The price of the gas log and burner kit that YOU should supply the plumber. 3. Is your gas log fireplace supposed to be vented or not? 4. How far away is the closest gas supply to your fireplace? The plumber will have to run a gas line to your fireplace, drill the fireplace and install the gas logs and possibly close the flu or vent in your existing chimney. That will be anywhere from 3 to 6 hours of labor, depending on all of the above items. Each house is different. Remember though, once you convert, you can no longer burn wood in your fireplace. I would guess the total cost could be as low as $400 or as high as $1000, but most plumbers would give you a free estimate. Contact a few licensed plumbing contractors in your area and get a few estimates.

What is the average cost of a fireplace heater?

The average cost of a fireplace heater will depend on the type. This will depend on whether it is a gas or electric heater and including the costs of the fireplace and labor (installation). Hence the average cost will range between 100-2500 GBP.

Does it cost more for insurance if you have a fireplace and gas heating?

Depends on the company... shop around...

Is there anyone there who can answer my question about a gas fireplace?

what is the question, you don't put anything in a gas fireplace, especially wood, gas comes from the gas line coming in to the fireplace

Convert natural gas fireplace to a propane gas?

buy a new fireplace.

What is the average gas price in Oregon?

as much as Sarah matusik cost for a whole night about a dollar

How much does it cost to convert a wood burning fireplace to a gas fireplace?

It is not as bad as you think, the most difficult part is deciding whether to keep it as a gas fireplace or a wood burning fireplace with a gas lighter; so you can have both. Decide the gas to be used, Natural gas or LP (pretty much determined by what is already available) The fireplace itself needs little modification except the gas supply and available electrical circuit (depending what type/style gas fireplace you want.) If you decide on gas with artificial logs, then running black pipe to copper lines is all you need. If you are going to burn gas and use wood then run black pipe throughout (remember to use a cement product, for high heat, to seal any new whole in the fireplace.) Note: Either way you decide thoroughly clean the chimney and fireplace and inspect the doors, damper, flue, and look for cracks in the fireplace. I mention this because it is probably the last time you will need to do that. I have converted fireplaces in both ways; gas to wood burner and wood burner to gas. The insert is the biggest expense you will have, you can easily spend $600 on just those parts; not installed. And please don't forget to install and easily accessible gas shutoff valve.