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Q: How much does it cost to use haines directory?
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What is the purpose of directory in software?

Designed to increase web traffic and provide systematic organization, eDirectory's platform offers a low-cost, easy-to-use online directory solution.

Which commands will give you information about how much disk space each file in the current directory uses in unix?

Use the 'du' command in the directory you are interested in.

What is the command is used to remove directory in Linux?

Assuming the directory is in your Home directory use: rmdir directory-name This will fail if there are files within the directory. In this case, use rm -r directory-name.

Why would you use a subject directory?

what would you use a subject directory? give tow example

What directory would you use to find out the capital city of a country?

you would use a country directory

What is the command to verify your source directory exists?

There are several ways to verify a directory. You could use the following test in a shell script: if [ -d some-directory ]; then # directory exists else # directory does not exist fi of use commands such as 'ls 'to see if it exists.

How will you CD to the parent directory of current directory in Linux?

Use the following command: cd .. The ".." indicates the parent of the current directory

How do you make your home directory the working directory?

Use the 'cd' command without any target; that always puts you in the home directory which becomes by default the working directory.

How much will it cost to use Hotmail after October 2012?

It won't cost anything. It will never cost anything to use.

What song starts with the lyrics Is it true you use to be my friend?

Emily Haines - Bottom Of The World

How do you remove a full directory in Linux?

To remove a directory that is full with other files or directories, use the below command. rm -rf directory

What is the a directory?

A directory in a computer is a section of the hard drive that contains files. A directory is important for file storage and easy accessibility for later use.