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Q: How much does one gallon of diesel fuel cost?
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How much did diesel fuel cost in 1969?

3 cents a gallon

How much does one gallon of 1 diesel fuel weigh?

Diesel fuel weighs 1 gallon

How much will it cost in diesel to travel 170 miles?

The cost of diesel fuel to travel hundred and 70 miles is dependent upon the type of vehicle and the price of the diesel feel. Diesel feel cost approximately $3.50 per gallon. The average vehicle will need five to ten gallons of fuel.

How much does diesel fuel cost per gallon?

Diesel fuel's price depends entirely on your location and what era you are in. Right now in eastern Washington state, diesel fuel is above $4.00 a gallon, and back in the 2008-2009 global enconomy crisis, I saw it for $5.26 at its peak! But anywhere in the US, you're looking at dumping around $4.00 for every gallon.

How much does a imperial gallon of diesel fuel weigh?

Based on Type 2 diesel fuel, one Imperail gallon of fuel will weight 8.93 lbs

How much is one gallon of diesel cost?


How much is diesel?

If your question is about diesel fuel price, it is currently selling for $3.99 to $4.15 per gallon.

How much does diesel cost in the US?

Diesel AKA Petrol costs about $3.60 for the gallon in todays economy.

How much does a gallon of diesel fuel cost per mile?

You need to know the price per gallon and also the miles per gallon your car can achieve. Then the cost per mile is the dollars per gallon divided by the miles per gallon. The answer is in dollars per mile (in the UK use pounds instead). So with fuel at $1 per gallon, and car that does 20 mpg, the fuel cost is $1 / 20 per mile, or 5 cents per mile.

How much does a gallon of diesel cost in New Hampshire?

It depends on where you are in New Hampshire

How much per gallon is airplane fuel?

Same as red diesel for jet engined planes

How much does a gallon of gas cost in the Philippines?

When traveling it is important to know about the cost of fuel. The Cost of a gallon of gas in the Philippines is about $4.87.