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Q: How much energy does a mum to be need before her baby is born and after the birth?
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What does stillborn mean?

Stillborn is a baby from 24 weeks that is born but was not alive at birth. Before 24 weeks it is called a miscarriage.A stillborn, unfortunately, is a baby that has died before birth while still in the womb, and when the baby is extracted from the mother, they call the baby a stillborn.

What is preterm birth in simple words?

when a baby is born before it is suppose to.

How do Africans celebrate birth?

They do not celebrate the birth of the baby before they are born because in Africa there are lots of illlneses.

Which situation describes a premature birth?

A baby is born before 37th week

What is it called when your baby dies in your womb?

If a baby dies at birth, it's called "stillborn".

Do you have a baby shower before or after the baby is born?

Answer 1: before Answer 2: In the U.S., baby showers are traditionally held a few months before a baby is due. However, some cultural groups within the U.S. population -- Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, Latino Americans for example -- have reservations regarding pre-birth baby showers (i.e., they feel it is bad luck to celebrate before baby is born) and may have a party after birth instead.

When do buffalos give birth?

A mum carries a baby elephant in her tummy for 22 months before it is born.

What detail was given to suggest the baby was born in jail?

The detail indicating the baby was born in jail was the fact that the mother gave birth in a prison cell.

Can you fill out a birth certificate before the baby is born?

No, the hospital won't create a certificate of live birth until there is one, it's illegal. If you are having a homebirth, you can obtain the form and fill in any non-birth related details in advance (parents' names, baby's name, address, etc.) and complete it upon baby's birth, but you cannot turn it in until baby is born.

How long does it take for a baby goat to walk after birth?

A baby goat will walk after they are born on the same day/night. It usually takes a couple of hours after birth before they stand and attempt walking.

What defines a stillbirth?

A stillborn birth is the birth of a dead baby

How are baby manatees born?

Baby manatees are born live birth from their mother. They have birth under water, and if it takes to long then they can die.