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Recycling steel and iron saves 75% of the energy needed to make it from iron ore. Every year America saves enough from recycling steel to provide Los Angeles with electricity for ten years! Or 18 million households for one year!

In 1996 US Steelmakers remelted almost 19 billion steel cans (58% of all cans sold)! That's about 600 steel cans every second.

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Q: How much energy is saved when Steel is recycled instead of mined?
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Can bauxite be recycled instead of mined?

bauxite can be recycled instead of being mined from the ground

Where is steel mined?

steel is not mined it is man made

How much energy is saved when Copper is recycled instead of mined?

Recycling copper saves fifteen percent of the energy used in producing the same amount from copper ore. Recycled copper has exactly the same qualities as copper from ore, so it can be recycled over and over without any loss. Copper is non renewable, so it is important to conserve it. Energy saved means fewer greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel saved.

Can copper and gold be recycled instead of mined?

Copper and gold ARE recycled. However, recycling does not provide for ADDITIONAL metals- it only reuses metals that have already been mined. More people use more metals. As the number of people increase, so does the demand for all metals- including copper and gold.

Why is iron mined?

it is mined so that people can make steel

Where steel mined or made?

Steel is manufactured. Iron ore is mined and turned into iron. Then the iron is mixed with other metals and materials to get steel.

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Can mobile phones metals be recycled instead of mined?

yes but they would need HUGLY LARGE amounts to get the metals from it but it would grow very boring and inattentive to do it so it wouldnt last long

Why is aragonite mined?

for energy