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A person who binge eats can be seen eating a lot very quickly. The person is so worried about weight that they can't bear to be eating a lot, but then again they are thinking about throwing it all up afterwards. The easiest way is to eat without thinking and eating whatever is in front of you, even if you usually don't even eat it. It feels horrible. It IS horrible. I do not recommend doing this if you are planning to.

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As much as they want too. Or until you just can't anymore because your empty. Sometime's it's just getting something out to feel in control - other time's it's getting everything completely out.

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Q: How much food do bulimic people binge on?
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Which would not be used by individuals in the binge eating type of anorexia?

A binge is in an "anorexic" tendency if the person later fasts, severly restricts, or excessively exercises for the next few days to "make up for" the calories eaten during that binge. A binge is in a "bulimic" tendency is the person later purges by vomiting or laxative abuse to rid their body of much of the food from the binge.

When a person is bulimic how often do they throw up and do they ever eat and not throw up?

Not all bulimics throw up. Bulimia is binging & purging. Purging can be throwing up, but it can be also through laxatives, over exercising, or fasting. A bulimic has to be a binge eater, a binge is eating a ton of food in a short amount of time. Such as 3,000 calories in a half hour. The bulimic has no control over this. Bulimia is not just throwing up!!

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Both Binge Eaters and bulimia sufferers over stuff themselves with food but Bulimia sufferers throw it up and binge eaters don'tP'S - There both queers that just need to get over it...

Can eating disorders have an effect on sexual desire?

yep. it disappears after a while :] you get dry and all you think about is food. and if you are sexually active, and starving, it won't work, it's just gonna hurt both of you. it might not affect you as much if you're bulimic or have a binge eating disorder, but anorexia is the worst.

What is a disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much food at one time?

binge eating

How much weight do you loose being anorexic and bulimic?

Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.

What is binge eating, and what is wrong with it?

Binge eating is when a person consumes too much food, typically known as overeating; the person will likely be unable to stop or cut-down their eating intake. Binge eating is a difficult disorder to combat, mainly because of the factors that caused the person to start eating so much. People should take necessary steps to stopping binge eating because the disorder will take control of their life, and may cause death.

Which is more common bulimia or anorexia?

Most of the time bulimia starts with anorexia, but then maybe they go to somewhere with a lot of food and they lose control and binge. To get rid of the calories they purge an then this becomes an addiction. Bulimia is much more common than anorexia because not all bulimics have anorexia, but most anorexics have bulimic tendencies.

What are the symptoms of binge eating disorders?

A binge is eating an extremely large amount of food during a two-hour period, but it is possible to binge without having a binge eating disorder. People with binge eating disorders have frequent uncontrollable episodes of binging, eating even after they are full. They also tend to feel guilty, disgusted, or depressed during or after binging. They may feel stress or tension that is only relieved by eating, embarrassment over how much they eat, a sense of being on auto-pilot while binging, or unsatisfied no matter how much they eat. Other symptoms may include hiding or stockpiling food to eat later in secret, and eating normally around others but gorging when alone.

What is binge eating?

Binge eating is defined by a person consuming an unnaturally large amount of food of over 2,000 calories within the space of two hours. Binge eating is characterised by a sense of having lost control over eating. People with the disorder may find themselves eating large quantities of food even when not hungry, usually in a short period of time. This is accompanied by feelings of guilt or disgust at the perception of having consumed so much.

Why shouldn't people binge drink?

When you binge drink, you are taking in a lot of alcohol at once. Your body cannot handle this much chemicals being in the bloodstream so it goes into shock. You faint and sometimes even die. You don't just hurt yourself but the people around you. I hope you don't binge drink!