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by produce do u mean provide or actually make its self

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Q: How much food does the ocean produce?
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When does it cost too much to produce food?

When the total cost of producing the food exceeds - or is even equal to - the cost of producing it, it costs too much to produce it.

Why are phytoplankton and bacteria important to life on earth?

Mostly due to the fact that plankton produce much of the world's oxygen.

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How do organisms in the ocean obtain food?

if they are non-living they do not need to produce food. only living things need food

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Would there be as much food production if there were fewer people in the world?

no , if there are less people it means they dont have to produce for them. And less people will produce food smile* wiink*

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Tigers don't produce their food they hunt for food.

Agricultrue resources produced in ocean?

a ocean can produce salt to a turtle

What does ocean ocean convergence produce?

mainly continental volcanic arcs

Why do penguins spend so much of their lives in the ocean?

They spend so musch of their lives in the ocean so they can hunt for food so they can survive.

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Why is it important to use quality produce when preparing food?

The freshness and quality of the produce you use in cooking has a great impact on the final result. The food or dish will look nicer and have a much better taste.