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99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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i think its 30-38 degrees Celsius

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Q: How much heat does a chicken egg need to hatch?
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Does a hatching chicken egg need light?

I wouldn't use water, but if you use a heat lamp, you could probably hatch chickens. If I did use water though, it would be warm. Not hot, or cold.

Do you need a cock to get eggs from a chicken?

You do not need a cock to get an egg from a chicken. If you want to have fertilized eggs that will hatch into chicks there has to be a cock.

Is how do keep baby duck eggs without an incubator?

you could put them under a broody chicken. it may not work but you could try a heat lamp, they need one once they hatch anyway.

Can you hatch a chicken from your refrigerator and if its a female?

No. The eggs in your refrigerator that your purchase form the grocery store are not fertilized. Eggs also need heat for the chick to form inside. Also, you cannot tell the gender of an egg.

Does a chicken need to be in heat for successful breeding?

yes I think

Can you hatch baby chick from store bought eggs?

no, for a chicken egg to hatch, you need a warm temperature, store cool them off, stopping the process of maturing(hatching)

Is the egg older than than the chicken?

i think the egg came first you don't necessarily need a chicken to have an egg it could be a hybrid egg that would hatch to be a chicken thus the egg is first

Do you need to refrigerate fresh chicken eggs?

yes they can, but only if the egg hasn't started its growing cycle yet. so a chicken can lay an egg and it can go cold for a few days, but once it starts growing (via incubator or broody chicken) it musnt go cold. if your using broody chickens to hatch the eggs let the chicken off no longer than 20mins a day to eat,drink water, dust bath and poop. PS the egg must be fertilized of corse. hope that helped brad.

What does it mean when cockatiel eggs are hot?

that they are still alive and they still need heat and that they will still hatch eventually.

How do you get the egg to hatch?

Warmth allows the baby bird inside to develop. Just like cooking a chicken egg...the heat from the stove allows the egg to cook.

Why do you need an incubator to hatch eggs?

It's to show how the temperature is the same as the chicken.

How many days for a chicken egg to hatch?

It takes about 21 days (3 weeks) for a chicken egg to hatch. 21 days exactly when they started incubating.