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Q: How much heat is necessary vaporize 500 g of water at ts boiling point?
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Why is more heat needed to vaporize water than gasoline?

Gasoline has a less boiling point (72 degree Celsius) While water has a bigger boiling point (100 degree Celsius)

How many joules of heat are needed to completely vaporize 24.40 grams of water at its boiling point?

The answer is 55,117 kJ.

How much heat energy is needed to vaporize g of water at its boiling point of K?

1oo calories for 1 g

Why doesnt the all the water instantly vaporize when you reach the boiling point?

The boiling point is the temperature where a substance BEGINS to vaporize. So all of the water doesn't necessarily need to boil off instantly. To vaporize, molecules of water need to have energy. Only at the boiling point do they have enough energy to boil away, and when they do, they carry this energy with them. This means that a constant supply of heat for a certain period of time is needed for all water in a sample to boil off.

In order to get liquid water to become water to become water vapor what must be energy?

Energy must be added to liquid water so that it reaches the boiling point, at which point the water will vaporize into water vapor.

When heating a sample of pure water to the boiling point why doesn't all of the water instantly vaporize when you reach the boiling point?

as each molecule of water evaporates it takes heat with it, lowering the temperature of the surrounding water, so it takes time before every molecule evaporates.

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What does the boiling of salt water compare to the boiling point of fresh water?

The boiling point of freshwater is lower than the boiling point of saltwater.

What is boiling point of water called?

boiling point?!?

What happens to water when heat is added?

When heat is added to water the molecules move faster and faster until the water reaches it's boiling point and starts to vaporize.

What is the effect of NaCl and CaCl2 on the boiling point of water?

The water with solved ions has greater boiling point. The dissolved salts increase the boiling point of water.