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Q: How much homeless people can you feed with 10 dollars?
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How much money is given to homeless?

around 32,000,000 pounds is givin to homeless people every year

How much does it cost to feed one homeless person in NYC?


How much of Zimbabwe is homeless?

As many as 1.5 million people may be homeless in Zimbabwe. However, the African Union is NOT going to help Zimbabwe's homeless people.

What kind of problems does India face in hunger?

They have way to much people in their population to feed them all with a couple billion dollars

How much money do organizations that help the homeless need per year?

8.5 million dollars

What do you call homeless people from another country?

homeless immigrants, or you could just call them by their name. That would be much nicer

How much will you pay for someone to feed and let your dogs out?

10 dollars an hour

How Much money does the government give to homeless people for homes?


How much does it cost to feed a pig for a year?

It is about a million dollars or about a thousand dollars. A millon if you want it to live one more year than what it will live if you feed it for a thusand dollars of worth. I hope this helped you thanks :) LOL

Why does Australia have homeless people?

Homelessness is an epidemic, much like measles or malaria. Most homeless are mentally ill or addicted to different things. Being homeless is not a choice, it is an illness.

How many people in Minnesota do not have shoes?

only a few... the only ones who don't have shoes are the ones that are homeless and there is not much homeless people in minnesota. i know this because i live in Minnesota and i haven't been seing much homeless people around there so yaaa and really do you have to know this stupid question world gawwd

How much would it cost to feed an elephant?

5 dollarsabout 75grand