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A pony or horses prices isn't always effected by color. It is affected more by breed, age, sex, level of training, bloodlines, and height. Color only ever really plays apart in price if it is a rare or undesirable color for the horse. You could expect to pay nothing up to the millions of dollars for a horse or pony of any color.

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Q: How much is a black pony?
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What is a spotted pony called?

Pinto Pony(spotted), Piebald Pony(black and white spotted), Skewbald Pony (any color but black and white), Sabino Pony, Splash White Pony, Overo Pony, Tobiano Pony, Tovero Pony, etc. POA (Pony of the Americas) have the various spotting patterns associated with the Lp (Leopard Complex) yielding appaloosa patterning.

What is a pony with black and white patches?

Well a 'patched' black and white pony would likely be a pinto marked pony. This type of marking can occur in most breeds and type.

What is a dun pony?

A dun pony is simply a color of a pony. It is a light brown color with a black stripe that runs down the center of its back.

How do you enter ponystars with new pony?

You save up to buy a pony. 3,000 at the breeders and 1,750 at the black market.

How much is a pony for a party?

pony for lead the horse in a proper manner

What is a pieball pony?

the correct term is PIEBALD. piebald is a black and white pony, and if you didnt already know SKEWBALD is brown and white.

How much does a driving pony cost?

Depends on where you buy it, how old the pony is, what kind of breed it is, how much experience etc. etc.

How do you sell your ponystars on the black market?

You can't sell your pony if it is on the Grasslands.You can't sell your pony if you have 3 or fewer ponies.You can't sell your pony if your account is less than 10 days old.If you meet any of these requirements then you will not get the gold listed at the bottom of the page.You will open your ponystar page, select the pony you want and scroll down to the bottom. There should be a pile of gold there for you to click on. That is how much you will sell the pony for. There will be a confirmation box pop up asking if you really want to sell the pony.

Where is the black cat in pony friends 2?

well, someday you'll fund a pony club quest that says that the pony wrangler's black cat is missing in red rock canyon (I found it on a rock there.) (and the cat's name is tibbles.) another asks you to look for it on pontoh statoin, and then you help the pony wrangler figure out how to stop his cat from running away.

How much weight can a 40 350 pound pony hold?

A pony aged 3-5 can hold about 100 pounds a pony aged 6-7 can hold about 150-200 pounds at age 7 a pony is full grown It mainly depends on the breed of pony.

How much taller is a horse than a pony?

a horse is over 14.2hh and a pony is 14.2hh and under!!

How much in money is a monkey a pony and a grand?

A monkey is £500, a pony is £25 and a grand is £1000.