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Atr a 100,000,000 gallons oil spill that would fill about 200 Olympic size Swimming Pools

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Q: How much is the capacity of the big oil spill compared from the olympic swimming pool?
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What do you call it when 200 blacks are swimming?

an oil spill

What is the effect of oil spill on birds?

Oil gets their wings and stops them from flying or swimming, so it can be fatal.

Can anyone save the baby Triceratops because of her tail caught in an oil spill?

Only you can. Yes. Once a baby Triceratops didn't know she was in trouble because there was an oil spill in the ocean. While she was swimming, her tail got caught in an oil spill. Save the baby Triceratops.

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Oil gets into their wings and stops them flying or swimming, so it can be fatal. The oil is very diffucult to get rid of.

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How many liters does it take to full a bowl?

Exactly the same number as the capacity of the bowl (in litres). But only if you pour very carefully and don't spill any.

When someone opens classified information on the NIPRNET this is an example of a?

Opening up classified information is a "leak" of information.

How much oil has spilled from the Louisiana oil spill?

Right now there is about 200,000,000 gallons of oil in the gulf that's enogh to fill more than 300 Olympic-sized pools

When was the last oil spill?

the last oil spill was the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico

What cliche is spill the?

Spill the beans, perhaps?

What is a spill?

Spill valve is a overflow valve.