

Best Answer

Technically most of the earth is pollutes so about 78%

Please give the Earth TLC (total love and care)

Don't litter it, preserve it !

thx 0x0x

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Q: How much land pollution is produced every day?
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Do chemicals prevent land pollution?

Heck No. In fact, chemicals make land pollution much, much worse and can cause many diseases.

How much percent of land pollution is on earth?

water pollution is 14% in the world.

How much rice is produced in one acre land?

How much rice is produced in one acre land?

How much pollution does a car cause every 1 km?

If you put pollution in a box it is 2 litres

How much air pollution is produced by factories in the US?

I have researched your question. The only answer I see is over 40%

How air pollution increases due to increase in population?

Every person engages in some form of consumption of resources, with some pollution being produced as a byproduct. Some people consume much more than others, of course. Some people ride cars with internal combustion engines, and others ride bicycles. But there was still some air pollution produced by the factory which made the bicycle. It follows mathematically that the more people there are, the more pollution will result. This is unavoidable.

How many pollution are there?

There are hundreds and possibly thousands of pollutants. Examples include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead and particulate matter.

Why does solar energy not have pollution?

Actually solar energy systems do generate pollution, but the vast majority of that pollution is generated during manufacture not use. This makes containing and limiting the pollution much easier. After approximately 3 months of use, the renewable energy produced by the panels has compensated for the initial pollution. Then the panels produce free, clean, renewable energy with no carbon dioxide pollution.

Are you on the verge of an environmental crisis?

Yes, because of global warming, greenhouse effect, land pollution, air pollution, water pollution, water impurity, water scarcity, overuse of natural resources, dependence on oil, and so much more.

Why is Mt Kilimanjaro visible from hundreds of miles away?

It is surrounded by much flatter land.

How much nuclear waste is produced a year?

Very little, the main pollution generated by a properly functioning nuclear power plant is thermal pollution (i.e. heat that would not normally be present otherwise).