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Q: How much lead is needed to block x rays?
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What will stop gamma rays?

gamma rays can be stop by lead block

What materials block x ray imaging?

Dense materials such as bones and metals block X-rays.

Can body lotion block x-ray?

No, the only thing that can block X-rays is a sheet of lead.

What material can be use to block gamma radiation?

Not much because Gamma rays are passing through the earth right now as I type but i think that lead can block some or most of it.

What materials can block electromagnetic radiation?

That depends on the wavelength of the radiation.chicken wire can block radiation with a wavelength longer than about 10cm.a metal screen with 2mm holes can block radiation up to microwaves.most solids can block IR and visible light.lead is typically needed to block x-rays.many meters of lead and/or concrete is needed to block gamma rays.

Do X-rays penetrate through the skull?

Yes, X-rays penetrate the skull. It takes something as dense as lead to completely block out x-rays.

Why does lead stops the penetration of gamma rays?

Materials period block gamma rays, but Lead is favored because it seems to do it best. Lead has a high atomic number, and therefore a large nucleus. The nucleus is what blocks the ray. Lead is also fairly inexpensive, so it's preferred.

Which of these rays are block by sunglasses?

Sunglasses block the rays from UV or Ultra Violet light. Sunglasses do not block out 100% of UV rays, however.

Do certain sunglasses actually block out harmful UV rays?

Pretty much all sunglasses block out harmful UV rays, thats what they are made for. Some block out more than others, but they all do the same job.

What blocks beta rays?

Magnetic fields are fairly good at deflecting or blocking cosmic rays. Polyethylene also blocks cosmic rays to some extent, as does liquid hydrogen.

Why are infrared waves easily blocked?

IR rays are just electromagnetic rays so the properties of infrared rays resemble to those of EM waves which can be easily blocked by thick materials. Lead is commonly used to block them.

Does lead block x rays?

Lead is a very dense substance and so can absorb most of the radiation which hits it, this means that less radiation is able to get to the part of your body which is not needing an x-ray. So, in short, lead is used to protect parts of the body from unnecessary exposure to radiation. This is good because radiation like x-rays can cause mutagens which can increase the rate of mutations in genes and DNA (sometimes causing Downs Syndrome etc.) WB