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Q: How much liquidity do the sharks on Shark Tank have?
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How much does it cost to build a sharks tank?

I can answer that with a question. how much does it cost to buy a beach?

How big do sharks grow in a tank?

A shark will grow in a tank until it fits, meaning it will only be as big as the tank permits while still being able to swim freely. it depends of the size of the tank ,the kind of shark ,how much food and how many sharks

How much does a leopard shark cost and how big does the tank cost?

how much does a leopard shark cost and how big of a tank will you need for it.

Types of shark?

There are many tipes of sharks all around the world . there are 350 tipes of sharks in the world like the cookie cutter shark bull shark tiger shark great white shark you see most ofeven in beaches . there is also the goblin , lemon , lantern smallest shark see there are many sharks and much so don't kill them love god creations

Could a shark be a pet?

if you are brave and have a big tank then own any shark(just dont go swimming with it if its dangerous)but if u have a small tank u can get a small shark.these sharks are not recomended>>>>>>>>>>>> great white shark tiger shark bull shark and mako sharks

Does the cartilage of sharks instead of bones help sharks to swim much faster?

yes, it makes the shark lighter

What are the parts of a whale shark?

whales sharks are a lot diffrent than sharks whalesharks are much bigger and have spots

Can great white sharks break the tanks glass?

Yes if the shark is swimming at 20 miles per hour and slam as hard as it can. Great white sharks can slam into tanks and break the glass. Did you see Jaws? Jaws is the great white shark that have broken the aquarium tank. Jaws is much stronger than any other sharks and can take out boats and can sink boat houses.

How much do young great white sharks weigh?

2000 to 3000 lbs, is how much a shark weighs

Why do you think there is no data on shark population?

no way to track sharks and how much they give birth to

How long is a tiger sharks cave?

Tiger sharks do not live in caves since they hunt so much (if a shark stops swimming it will die)

How much a great white shark eats?

great whites eat seals and little sharks