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as much money as the people they represent pay! six to seven figures if you represent the tobacco industry - hardly anything if you represent small companies -

Just like an attorney

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Q: How much money do lobbyists make?
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How much do lobbyists make a year?

$40,000+ per year.

What are some factors that influence a representative in their decision making when it comes to voting on a bill?

How much money the have or will receive from lobbyists.

What did the 1991 ethics bill do?

This ethics bill was created to limit the amount of money lobbyists can spend on a legislator. This money is obviously a way for lobbyists to "get on the good side" of a legislator and thus induce him to side with the lobbyist. This ethics bill made the limit for the amount of food, gifts, and/or entertainment lobbyists could provide legislators to equal less than $50.

Why are lobbyists important?

Lobbyists are controversial because some of their methods appear rather shady. Lobbyists receive lots of money in some situations, and they pressure legislatures to pass bills that favor their cause. Some argue that lobbyists do not care about the causes, they are in it for the money.

How do interest groups in Texas benefit from part time legislators?

Due to the fact that legislators in Texas are part-time, they require help from outside sources. They get this help from lobbyists. In essence, the lobbyists are contributing to making laws as much or more than the legislators. This benefits special interest groups who have the financial means to hire lobbyists on their behalf to make laws in Texas.

What are the Pros and Cons of Lobbyists?

Pro: legislators can find out about topics that perhaps weren't in their area of expertise. Lobbyists can educate and inform, and often provide valuable information for legislators. Con: Lobbyists can end up turning our legal system into a system where money purchases both access to legislators and purchases laws.

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