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Not even close to enough. It depends on the BWC.

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Q: How much money do you get if you lose a hand while working?
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Do you lose muscle after not working out for a while?

yes but slowly. you lose tone first.

How did Loren Larson loose his hand?

Loren was working in a textile factory and a machine malfunctioned and a electric charge pulled his hand in the machine. I think he was in Nashville at the time but not sure about that.

Is there a saying that you are going to receive or lose money when your hands itch?

If you are right hand dominant - an itching right hand means you will spend money, if your left itches you will receive money. The opposite is true if you are left hand dominant.

Why do people lose jobs because of the economy?

Because there is not enough money to support all of the people working there so the people lose their jobs.

Which part of his costume would Santa be humiliated to lose while working?

Beard, pants, wig, hat

Will you lose your money on a bid if you lose it?

Well, yeah. You are betting your money, which means you might lose it. If you win, you will get more money back and if you lose, you will lose the money you bet.

Can you win money from casino while on workman's compensation?

No law against that, but you are more likely to LOSE. That's why casinos exist - to take your money.

Why do you lose money in Mafia Wars?

you lose money when fighting. when you lose a fight there is a penalty deducted to your money. if you attack and you lost or if you were attack and you lost you will lose money. to prevent that from happening you can deposit your money in the bank.

How can a business lose money for many years and have still plenty cash?

The business can lose money while still keeping up with loan payments. Eventually, the choice becomes whether to use the cash to reduce those loans or borrowed money.

What is the meaning of black hand tattoo?

Black Hand Tattoo's usually mean you are involved with criminals or an organization, the Black Hand means that you are strongarming someone or extorting money from them and if they dont cooperate they will be a victim and could possibly lose their life. BLACK HAND

How do you leave yours job on howrse?

You can't. The only way to lose your job is if the EC you're working for runs out of money and can't pay you.

Does the players in the nfl lose money if they lose?

They don't they just get money alot less then the winners money