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The median expected salary for a typical Physician - Urology in the United States is $261,779. That average probably includes a lot of urologists who are in different practice settings, age, etc. In our suburban group working reasonable hours the pay ranges from 500K to over 1M depending on the the doctor, working 35 hrs and on call 24hrs every 4th day and all weekend every 4th weekend.. I think a reasonably busy Urologist will make around $400K easily in most non-depressed service areas around the US. A little attention to good business practices in the office, contracts, and overhead puts many over the $750K mark and some over $1M after expenses in my experience. Remember, if that sounds like a lot, doctors a. usually do not finish residency and start earning until well into their thirties, b. have no guaranteed pension and have less years in which to save for retirement, c. risk their life earnings on the possibility of a lawsuit with every patient they see. d. survived a weening out process starting in high school where less than 10% make it to med school. e. often have debt over $250K when they graduate from residency and enter practice. f have to provide call coverage 24/7 for no pay, where unlike a plumber you can be sued for not responding. A 50 y.o. doctor earning 500K/year would have a lifestyle and savings similar to a 50 y.o middle level executive earning 200K/year who did not spend 7-10 years in med school and residency(and pay for it) and who has a pension guaranteed by their company. Still it is a solid living and nobody can lay off the doctor, which is especially nice in hard economic cycles!

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