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Q: How much money does the child and adopted parents receive?
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Can a emancipated child receive money from a deceased parents life insurance?

An emancipated child is considered an adult. They are entitled to receive any benefits assigned to them. If they are not emancipated, the money will go into a trust for them.

Can you apply for money from social services for being adopted?

no... your adoptive parents should receive some money for benefits but YOU personally aren't entitled to any :)

If a spouse pays child support on a Tuesday when will the child receive the money?

The child does not receive the money, the adult responsible for the child gets the money.

If both your birth parents died can you get money from the government if you were adopted?

Money for what? You inherit your adoptive parents not your birth parents.

Do children in foster care receive child support from parents?

The foster parents receive a set sum for each child from the state and the parents pay the state. Since it would be a very different sum for each child based on what parents can pay, the sum is set for each child and every state have this system. The foster parents should not have to use their money. if that was the case we would have very few foster families because they would not afford it.

Can kids get money if they were adopted out there real dad is Indian but he signed his rights over and a nother person adopted them that is not Indian at all and pd child support?

An adopted child has not right to the biological parents belongings or anything from that family. They belong to the adoptive family and can only inherit them unless the biological parent put them in his will.

The Mother of my child's husband adopted my daughter - can she still file child support on me?

Up to the moment he adopted her yes. The child ate, had a roof over her head and had to be clothed before she was adopted too, right? The money isn't your ex-wifes, it's money you owe your child.

Is the money for the foster parents or the child in foster care?

The money is to cover the expenses for the child but it's the foster parents that manage the money.

Is a dependent child who is a student required to pay taxes on monthly income they receive from their parents?

No. The money that your parents send you for educational and personal needs has already been subject to taxation.

How do you receive money for adopting a child?

You don't get paid for adopting a child.

If you receive money as a gift from your parents do you have to pay taxes on it?


How much money do foster parents receive for therapeutic foster child monthly?

It depends on exactly what the needs of the child are and what state you're in. There will probably be several levels of need, and each level has a different rate.