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Hundreds of thousands of dollars is donated to the Celiac Disease Foundation every month to help with ongoing research in the disease. Donations are received from ongoing supporters of the charity.

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Are people still suffering from celiac disease today in 2011?

Yes, there has not been a cure discovered for Celiac yet. In fact, more and more people discover that they have Celiac every year. Approximately 1 in 133 people have it, but most aren't diagnosed.

Is celiac disease fatal?

No, celiac disease is not fatal. you have nothing to worry about. I've had celiac disease for 3 years and I'm fine. all you have to do is stay off gluten, or wheat. You have to avoid wheat, rye, barley and any other grain in which the protein gluten is found. Most if not all people with Celiac disease must also avoid gluten by-products like malt that is used in many processed foods. Most every commercially prepared food product has some form of gluten agent in it, so read labels carefully or you may be ingesting gluten without even knowing it. Visit for more info. Actually, it can be fatal. My aunt died from Celiac Disease in 2006.

a furniture store donated a percent of every sale to charity the total sales were 7,700 do they store donated 462 what percent of 7,700 was donated to charity?

About 16.6%

How many Americans are affected by celiac disease?

None. Nobody died from Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn't an actual disease its when your allergic to wheat. Actually you can die from it, but its rare..really rare. and if out of the small chance, when someone does die from it, most likely it caused by either being undiagnosed and untreated, or they never stopped eating gluten, and it caused either sever malnutrition or other complications such as liver failure to cause death. but if you have it and are worried about this, don't be. i have it too, and trust me, if you are not eating it, you should be perfectly fine. if you think you are completely gluten free and still feel bad, first thing you should do is make sure its not in your lotions, makeup,shampoo,conditioner, other hair products (i realized it was in a TON of shampoos and stuff i used almost every day...sickening lol) and other stuff. hope this helps :) God bless-livie

How is the tree donated to trafalgar square?

The Christmas tree donated every year in Trafalgar square is because the bring a new one and it is a different style.

What is the difference between disease disease?

Every disease is an illness but not every illness is a disease (A disease is not a virus, parasite, etc but an illness could be)

Can a gluten free diet be bad for you even if you do not have celiac disease?

The simple answer is yes. Gluten free can be bad for you if you don't have Celiac disease. Celiac disease is something approximately 1 out of every 133 people have, and it is a severe allergy to gluten. Celiac disease causes the bacteria in your intestines to attack your intestinal lining whenever you eat gluten. The only cure is to go completely gluten free for life. Stopping the consumption of gluten does eliminate the symptoms of Celiac disease and will help people with this condition to feel better. However, many people are jumping on the "no gluten" bandwagon even if they don't have Celiac disease. Celebrities who swear by it's weight-loss benefits are helping to fuel this popularity. Since gluten is found naturally in wheat but added to many processed products (including soy sauce and salad dressing) for it's flavor and binding properties, gluten can be hard to avoid. A diet free of gluten often lacks in fiber, vitamin B, and iron. In addition, manufactured 'gluten free' foods often have added sugar to help them taste better and added fat to hold them together, leading to more calories and ultimately less health benefits(for example, gluten free pretzels have 40 more calories and 6 times the fat of regular pretzels per serving). The best gluten free products are the ones without labels: fresh fruits and vegetables. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about gluten. Only your doctor can tell you if you have Celiac disease and really need to go gluten free. If you aren't allergic to gluten, experts say that there's no reason for you to avoid it. Eat a wholesome balanced diet and the health benefits will be far greater than what gluten free could do for you.

Can Native Americans have celiac disease?

The quick answer is yes.. especially if they are multi-racial. What are the odds? I don't know, but Celiac Disease has been found in Asians, Africans, Arabs, Indians and Europeans. The prevalence though may be less in Native Americans vs Europeans. Europeans generally are viewed at about 1 in 130, though more northern Europeans like Ireland, Norway, Finland, etc the numbers are like 1 in 110. For people of N. Africa descent its 1 in 18! Research is less conclusive in Asian peoples since their diets are generally gluten free to begin with, though the use of wheat noodles is on the rise in Japan and some other cultures and with it the prevalence of Celiac Disease in those countries indicating that "gut" functions are similar amongst all races and cultures. Most research being done has been Euro-Centric but recent studies indicate that Celiac Disease is present in every race and culture. If you are Native American or of mixed race and you feel you have some GI issues that sound similar to CD, then get blood tested for the disease. You have nothing to lose but your health to gain.

How often can you donate blood?

For whole blood, one can donate every 56 days. However, different waiting periods apply to different types of donations.Platelets can be donated every 7 days, up to 24 times a yearPlasma can be donated every 28 days, up to 13 times per year

When do you need to excavate for a foundation?

every 20 years

What is involved in a gluten free diet plan?

Gluten free food like fruits, vegetables, meats etc. if they have not yet been contaminated or have gluten already.Corn, spelt, tapioca, potatoes, and rice.

Will every individual who inherits the allele for Huntington's disease develop the disease?

Yes, Huntington's disease is autosomal dominant with high penetrance. Every individual who inherits the allele gets the disease.