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It can be the size of a baby and after that no one have tested it.

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It depends on the room temperature, but on average it is about the size of a Baseball bat.

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Q: How much more can the aroused vagina safely stretch?
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Why does your vagina get wet when you see the guy you like?

Because, Your're getting Excited (Or turned on). Your Genitals (Vagina Lips) will get wetter and slippier the more sexually aroused you become. (Which means wet or Horny.

Why is a female vagina shadow sometimes and sometime it's not?

When a female is not fully aroused her vagina is in it's normal location (shallow) as she gets more "in the mood" the vagina stretches out and the uterus moves higher in the body allowing deeper penetration (not shallow) the body does this so that there is a higher chance of conception, (sex is supposed to make babies)

Do tampons stretch your vaginal opening?

No, tampons cannot stretch your vaginal opening. The vagina is a muscular tube so cannot be stretched - just like your arm cannot be made longer by exercising more. Your vagina is designed to allow a penis to enter it and a baby to come out of it, in both cases although the vagina will stretch to accommodate these things it will always return to normal - tampons are so small it wouldn't even need to stretch. Tampon use may stretch the hymen - the hymen is a thin piece of tissue surrounding the vaginal opening, normally there's enough room to allow a tampon through without any problem, but if your hymen is wider using a tampon may stretch the hymen. The hymen is simply left-over tissue from development in the womb, it serves no function so it being stretched or torn makes no difference to your vagina or anything else.

What is a sexual intercoase?

Sexual intercourse is a term that means the sexual contact between the males penis and females vagina. But its more likely to be defined as the the contact for having baby.

What is comparative of safely?

more safely

Why did the Romans build canals?

The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.The main reason that the Romans built canals was to make shipping quicker and easier. Goods could be more safely transported via a canal, rather than having to sail or row across a stretch of open sea. Travelers too, welcomed a shortcut in their trips.

Why does underneath your belly button hurt?

In a normal or healthy woman it shouldn't hurt your vagina when you poke your belly button, not unless you poke it too hard. What you can feel is a discomfort in your stomach that can stretch towards your vagina and it shouldn't be painful; it would feel more weird than painful. But if it is, perhaps you have an infection in your lower abdomen or your vagina that needs to be looked at.

What sentence can you make with the word aroused?

The article he had read in the paper certainly aroused the man's curiousity, so he headed to the library to do some more research.All of a sudden she felt very aroused at his touch.We tried hard, but he couldn't be aroused from his slumber.

What is the comparative and superlative of safely?

comparative of safely is more safely and the superlative form is most safely

What does the root word cuntrum mean?

"Cuntrum" is not a recognized English word or root word. It may be a misspelling or a word from a different language. If you provide more context or details, I may be able to offer more assistance.

How do you do the splits without injuring yourself?

stretch, stretch, and stretch even more. the more you stretch and tear muscles the more your going to be able to be flexible. a lot of leg stretches will work really well

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both are true. it varies from one person to another. -samishiyoru