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Q: How much of the weight of a tree comes from the soil?
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What do tree bark eat?

the water and minerals in the soil that comes up through the roots

What was the living tree experiment?

The "living tree" experiment was a scientific study performed originally by Jan Baptiste van Helmont (1580-1644) and thereafter repeated by several other scientists in the decades and centuries following. Van Helmont measures the weight of the tree at the start of the experiment (five pounds) as well as the weight of the soil (200 pounds). After five years of regularly watering the tree, van Helmont noted that the soil only lost about 2 ounces of weight while the tree weighed an astonishing 164 pounds. He concluded that because the tree did not gain all this weight from the soil, it must have gained it from the water intake. Although we now know that plants gain much of their mass from photosynthesis/carbon dioxide as well as soil, van Helmont's experiment has been lauded as an early example of strict attention to detail and experimental controls.

How much weight can the plate tree safely hold?

This weight plate tree has a maximum weight capacity of 300 pounds.

How do trees effect soil?

When a tree is first planted in the ground, (say, from a seed) its roots immediatly begin growing into the soil, absorbing the water from within. After a tree has taken the water, the soil becomes dry until the next rain. When fully grown, the tree will get up and move on to another soil patch, just like your last girlfriend, leaving the sucked dry useless patch of soil to sit there alone forever. Once the tree has moved on, the used patch of soil will rot away until a new clump of soil comes along, only to be used again by a tree. In conclusion, a tree will convince its patch of soil that they are in a steady relationship and will be together forever, then sucks up all the nutrition and leaves. Pretty much, all the trees do is kill the soil, slowly and painfully.

How does tree planting work?

Tree is put in soil. Soil helps sustain tree's life.

Does the soil erode when a tree is removed?

Yes, it does because if a tree is planted it holds the soil and prevents soil erosion.

Why does a tree gain so much mass and the soil lose so little?

because it does

How much water does a cedar tree consume from the ground soil per day?


Will lime harm a evergreen tree?

Lime will change the PH of the soil. Evergreens like a acid soil and lime will add to much alkaline.

How much does money tree leaf weight?

it weight 0.1 pouns and when the leafs die its o.2 pouns

What is a property of soil that helps the Western Hemlock tree to live?

soil contains mineral nutrients the tree can use

How much oxygen is produced by a tree?

a lot of oxygen! that's where most of it comes from!