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Q: How much of the worlds sugar comes from sugar beet?
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What is sugar created from?

Most sugar comes from sugar cane, a tropical plant grown in southern US states and around the Caribbean but it can also come from beet (much of the sugar in the US is actually beet sugar). Sugar is also present in many fruits and vegies, not to mention sugar maples, honey and sorgham.

What are some high energy vegetables?

Any that contain a "sugar", and the younger and fresher the better. Much of our ordinary sugar comes from sugar beet. Young beetroot will taste sweet. So will young carrots and young peas.

How much sugar can we get from one sugar beet or quantity in gram?

One can get 7.6 grams of sugar from a serving of sugar beets, but how much sugar is available in one gram is not listed.

How much sugar is in a sugar beet?

15 to 20 percent with current varieties, and depending on the growing season.

How much sugar is in bourbon?

No sugar from sugar cane or beet, but there are sugars from the fermented barley that bourbon is made of.

What happens to a horse if it eats unsoaked sugar beet pulp?

Feeding unsoaked sugar beet can cause choke in some horses and also colic which can have fatal consequences. Always soak sugar beet for 24 hours unless it is Speedibeet which can be soaked for shorter periods. Never leave sugar beet soaking in hot conditions as it will ferment.

How much does a bushel of sugar beet seed weight?

60 pounds

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