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Q: How much power is consumed by a 12-V incandescent lamp if it draws 150mA of current when lit?
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What does amps do in a light bulb?

Take the wattage of the bulb and divide that by the voltage of the bulb. This will give the current the bulb draws. Amps are a measure of charge (electron) at an instant of time through a conductor. In an incandescent bulb the filament is heated by the current and the characteristics of the filament, usually tungsten, is that it gives off light when heated.

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What size resistor do you need to power a 14 volt bulb from a 120 outlet?

To find the resistance necessary, one would need to know how much current the bulb draws. If one knows the current the bulb draws, then one would subtract the 14 volts from 120 volts then divide that by the current the bulb draws and one will find the resistance needed. Once this has been done, one would need to multiply the current drawn by the voltage drop to get the wattage rating necessary. Another important detail to note is that the power dissipated by the resistor will be much greater than the power consumed by the bulb itself. Finally if the bulb burns out the voltage across the contacts will be 120V. I would not recommend using this method to drop the voltage for the bulb.

A TV 220V 100W what is the current it draws?

100/220 = .45A or 450 mA

Is a crunch amp a good amp?

No, they overheat and chip out a draws too much current.

What is the resistance in a discman if it is connected to an 8.6V battery and draws a current of 0.9 Amperes?

I have no idea

A red resistor draws more current than a blue resistor when they are connected to the same battery which resistor has the lower resistance?

The voltage of a battery goes as the current times the resistance (V=IR). Because the voltage is being held constant, the resistor that draws the most current will have the lower resistance.

How much current is consumed for a tubelight which has 40W for domestic use?

In most of North America, the mains supply to the home is 120 volts. Thecurrent through a device dissipating 40 watts is 40/120 = 1/3 Ampere.In most of the rest of the world, the mains supply to the home is 220 volts.The current through a device dissipating 40 watts is 40/220 = 0.18 Ampere.

Does an electric heater use less kwh on lower setting?

Yes. It draws less current.

When a parallel LC circuit is tuned to resonance the tank circuit draws?

very low current

How much power is developed by an electric motor that draws a current of 4 A when its operated at 240V?

P = I x V Power = volts x amps 240 x 4 = 560 watts. This is how much power will be consumed by the motor. The actual power produced at the shaft, will vary on type and efficiency of the motor.

In what way the connections are made to get a higher output current from light?

A light doesn't output current, it "draws" current based on voltage and its resistance. Voltage = Current x Resistance or Current = Voltage / Resistance. (Ohm's Law)