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None, because czars were the kings in Russia.

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Q: How much power to Czars actually have in US government?
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How much do the czars of education earn?

Somewhere between $Too much and $Ridiculous...

How much power does the government have?


What group is assumed too much power?

In my opinion that would be the media; in particular, the broadcast media. Those that believe that the government or the people in government are the answer must take into consideration that so much of the media is delivering opinion rather than news. We don't get to hear what government officials are actually doing only what a particular media person or media group wants us to think they are doing. That power trumps the power of the government.

Why did kings have so much power?

The Kings had so much power because there was no government.

How much power did the Mayan government have?

a lot

How much power do states have in confederate system government?

They have the most power

How much power do the states have in confederate system government?

They have most of the power.

Who has more power state governments or the national government?

In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.

Who has more power the national government or the state government?

In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.

Why does the U.S. Constitution have separation of powers between the the three branches of government?

So no one branch has too much power. And actually its called checks and balances. XD

Did the articles of confederation give the government too much or too little power?

they gave the government too little power

What were the bad things about the constitution?

The government had to much power