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It really would depend on what exercise you're actually doing with the dumbbell. 20 lbs is pretty heavy for a person just beginning weight lifting. Be sure that you've been trained how to properly do whatever exercise. Maintaining proper form during an exercise is critical to increasing muscle mass- if you aren't exercising the proper muscle group, you can't expect to see gains. You might want to consider purchasing an adjustable dumbbell, which will let you adjust the weight you're using to a particular exercise. Also, as you improve, you'll be able to increase the weight you're using without having to go out and buy another dumbbell.

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13y ago

you should do about 20 reps a day. i am 12 and i do 15, and i also move 100lb. hay bales daily. work yourself but don't hurt yourself. and make sure that you start slow and work your muscles up

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15y ago

until you can't do anymore. good luck.

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Q: How much reps and sets should a 14 year old do with a 20 lb dumbell?
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How many sets of reps of biceps curls should i do with a 18 lb dumbbell?

Well i do about 5 sets of 18 with a set of 20 IB dumbell. so if i was u id do about 15 to start with so 4 sets of 15

How do you do weight lifting to lean muscles?

Lift four days a week and group workouts together like this: back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs, and shoulders. Each day, pick about 4 lifts to do for each muscle group. Do 3-4 sets of each exercise you pick and keep the rep range at about 16-20 reps per set. Use dumbells or kettlebells as opposed to barbells. Perform cardio after lifting, as this de-emphasizes bulk. Cardio should be at least 30 minutes, but no more than an hour, as you will start to burn your muscle off. Example workout: Monday: chest and triceps Dumbell Bench Press- 4 sets, 16-20 reps Dumbell Flies- 3 sets, 16-20 reps Cable Crossover- 3 sets, 16-20 reps Tricep Rope Pushdown- 4 sets, 20 reps Stair climber: 30 minutes on fat burn program.

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CHEST Barbell Bench Presses 4 sets: 15 warm up* sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps Barbell Incline Bench Press 4 sets: 15 warm up* sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps Dumbbell Flys 3 sets: 10, 8, 6 reps Parallel Bar Dips 3 sets: 15, 10, 8 reps Pullovers 3 sets: 15 reps each x BACK Chin-ups 4 sets: min 10 reps each Close-Grip Chins 4 sets: 10 reps each T-Bar Rows 4 sets: 15, 12, 8, 6 reps Bent-Over Barbell Rows 4 sets: 8-12 reps each x THIGHS Squats 5 sets: 20 warm up* sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps Front Squats 4 sets: 10, 8, 8, 6 reps Hack Squats 3 sets: 10 reps each Leg Curls 4 sets: 20, 10, 8, 6 reps Standing Leg Curls 4 sets: 10 reps each Straight-Leg Deadlifts 3 sets: 10 reps each x CALVES Donkey Calf Raises 4 sets: 10 reps each Standing Calf Raises 4 sets: 15, 10, 8, 8 reps ABDOMINALS Crunches 3 sets: 25 reps each Bent-Over Twists 100 reps each side Machine Crunches 3 sets: 25 reps each Crunches 100 reps x Workout #2 Tuesday/Thursday/SaturdaySHOULDERS Behind-The-Neck-Presses 5 set: 15 warm up* sets of 10, 8, 8, 6 reps Lateral Raises 4 sets: 8 reps each Bent-Over Dumbell Laterals 4 sets: 8 reps each Dumbbell Shrugs 3 sets: 10 reps each x UPPER ARMS Standing Barbell Curls 5 sets: 15, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps Incline Dumbbell Curls 4 sets: 8 reps each Concentration Curls 3 sets: 8 reps each Lying Triceps Extensions 4 sets: 15, 10, 8, 6 Triceps Cable Pressdowns 3 sets: 8 reps each One-Arm Triceps Extensions 3 sets: 10 reps each x FOREARMS Barbell Wrists Curls 4 sets: 10 reps each Reverse Wrist Curls 3 sets: 10 reps each x CALVES Seated Calf Raises 4 sets: 10 reps each x ABDOMINALS Reverse Crunches 4 sets: 25 reps each Seated Twists 100 reps each side Vertical Bench Crunches 4 sets: 25 reps each It was not only weight lifting exercises.He focused a lot on flexibility,balance, and technique.

Adjustable dumbell sets or adjustable dumbell set?

It is really what you are looking to do. Adjustable dumbbell sets offer the same functionality as the separate free weights, however, they allow you to get all the weight sets in a compact area.

What is 8-9 sets an reps counted?

8-9 sets an reps counted = -1

How do I define my muscles?

Lighter weights, but more sets. Reps should be at a good pace.

How much should i be squatting. i am 15 146lbs and 5'9?

im 135 5'8, 16 yrs old and squat 225, about 5 sets, 5 reps

What is the difference between reps and sets?

A repetition is how many you do in a set like 10 reps. A set is like how many sets of a repetition did you do.

How many reps should you do with leg curls?

It depends on your desired results. For getting stronger and bigger, use a lot of weight and low repetition. I would recommend 2-3 sets of 8 reps with however much weight you can handle for that amount. For getting more toned and gaining endurance, use low weight and high reps. I would recommend 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

How much exercise should a 12 year old have?

dont over-do it, but about 45 minutes a day, if you are doing 15 minutes of slow walking, that is not enough, try for about 45-60 minutes a day, if you want to get fit, walk to the bus or school or go to the gym or play a afternoon sport or go for a bike ride or get an areobics DVD. anything that gets you moving, i find that if you want to watch tv and excersise, do sit-ups for the whole ad break, but build it up dont just do a whole ad break at first, do one ad, then two, then three so on.

What are reps and sets?

eg. bicep curls 10 bicep curls = 10 reps.. these 10 reps is ONE SET. A SET is made up of a number of REPS

How many reps should you do with squats?

If you are looking for strength 3 sets of 6 -8 reps, for a toner look go for 10 -12 BUT with lighter weights. do 3 days a week.