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10 gallon tank.

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Q: How much room do you need to breed bettas?
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Are Guppy fish easier to breed than Betta fish?

Guppies are lots easier to breed than bettas. Guppies mainly do three things. 1) Swim. 2) Eat. 3) Breed like crazy. All you need to breed guppies is a few males, a half-dozen females, a birthing tank, and patience. My wife and I bought 5 female guppies to add to our community tank, and they were pregnant when we got them from the pet store. Bettas, on the other hand, require some pretty complex steps, a large amount of space, lots of equipment and supplies. Breeding bettas is not for the faint of heart or for those who do not have a huge room to use for them. When bettas breed, they lay upwards of 500 eggs, and once hatched and grown a bit each of those 500 small bettas will need their own betta jars. Special food is required for betta fry (namely a salt brine culture) then as they get a bit bigger you need another food type (daphnia). Breed guppies, its tons easier and lots cheaper. Just a correction to the previous answer... even IF a betta does lay 500+ eggs, you certaintly won't have to house 500+ fish as on average about 60% of the spawn will die before full maturity. Occasionally a larger percentage will survive, but NEVER has there been a 100% survival rate with ANY size spawn.

Can a betta fish live in 3 quarters of a gallon fish bowl?

Yes, but this is very cruel. All fish need room to swim and to grow and although people have successfully kept bettas in tiny containers, this doesn't mean it is right. Also, bettas are anabantoids, which means they need to breath air, so they need a decent amount of surface where they can go to breathe. if you want a betta, go for at least a 2 gallon tank - the fish will be much happier, more active and more colourful.

Is a 5 gallon tank big enough to breed betta fish in?

AnswerI think it should be 10-20 gallons.You can breed Bettas in a tank as small as 5 gallons, however, if you use a 20 gallon long, you can leave the fry in the same tank until they need to be jarred.

Can you put a male betta with 4 female in 50 gallons?

That is more than enough room for those bettas. :)

How much room do dogs need?

well dogs don't need a lot of room but make sure they have a bit of room so that they feel comfy!!!!!

HOW DO YOU MAke a female and a male betta mate?

It is very complicated to mate betta fish and so if you are an amuteur I do not recomend attempting it. You have to have a big 10 gallon tank and lots of little jars to keep the babies in when they grow old enough. You have to have lots of money, lots of space and lots of time to breed bettas. You have to dedicate an entire room to your work and it is definitely not easy. Male bettas might fight the females if they start trying to eat the eggs, which becomes quite a problem or the female might die. Try to breed guppies first if you are so keen on breeding fish.

How much room does a carrot need?

Not much although it is a root vegetable

Can a betta and three glo fish go in a same tank without kiling each other?

Provided there is sufficient room they will be OK. Male Bettas will only fight with other Male Bettas. Glofish are a genetically engineered form of Zebra Danio and are quite peacefull. Just remember ther rule "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water" Bettas grow to 2" Zebra Danios grow to 1.5" so you would need at least 7 gallons of water (That means you would need a 10 gallon rated tank)

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It all depends what your goal is? Meat? Pets? You also have to take in to account how much room you have and if they will be pasture or commercially kept. The right breed depends on many variables.

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a lot :) As much as you can put in the room

How much carpet will you need for a room 20x17 feet room?

340sq feet.

Can male bettas be in the same bowl?

NO!Placing two male bettas within one habitat is a guaranteed fight-to-the-death, no matter how big the tank.In an experiment conducted by a curious researcher, two male bettas were placed in a lake with plenty of room for both fish. Instead of separating, the two flared and began to fight vigorously. Call it male competition for the ladies, fight for survival, or flat out aggression, male bettas willfight!