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I'm not fully sure myself...but i just bought one with some Specialized upgrades for $372 off Craigslist

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Q: How much should a 2005 kona stuff sell for?
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The buyer's location and length of stay, coupled with the time of year the flight takes place and the time of booking, along with current trends in flight time, can greatly affect this number. For example, a flight from NYC to Kona leaving tomorrow and staying for one week costs anywhere from $1,100 to $1,800 per adult. However, a flight leaving from Louisville, KY to Kona in one year and staying for one month would cost about $1,000 to $1,200. A person flying to Kona should expect to spend, on average, $1,200 to $1,500, with prices ranging over $2,000 in extreme cases.

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Can you stuff a turkey then refrigerate it until time to cook?

yes, but you should have a chicken instead! they are much tastier xx much love