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Q: How much so tigers weigh in the wild?
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How much do a male and female tigers weigh combined?

The average weight of all tigers is around 540lbs. So roughly 1080lbs.

Is there tigers in Malawi?

No, there are no wild tigers in Africa what-so-ever.

Do wild tigers go after wild cheetahs and are they enemies of each other?

No, but the lions and cheetahs are great enimies

Are there tigers in the US?

Tigers? Yes. Wild Tigers? No. Tigers in the US are only in refuges and zoos. So don't go oout and go tiger scouting in Colorodo.

How much does a full grown tiger weigh?

Males can weigh 600 pounds or more, in the Northern sections of their range, in the coastal and Southern areas, 400 to 450 pounds is average, Females weigh 300 to 350 pounds.

How many tigers left in India year 2012?

Around 1800 or so in the wild.

How many Bengal tigers are still alive and in the wild now?

about 2000 or 20000 or so

Why are tigers so important?

tigers are so importent because they are part of the wild life Yet they are parts of the food chain and if we dint have them the eco system would die

What does the the white tigers diet consist of?

Tigers are carnivores, so they eat meat, whatever prey is available, deer, buffalo, wild hog.

Do lions eat snow tigers?

Lions and tigers rarely come face to face in the wild. Tigers are larger and stronger, so i doubt that lions would be able to eat them!

Where can you find a tiger thanks?

tigers are rarely seen in the wild so the best place to go is to a zoo

How many Chinese tigers are there?

There are only around 15-30 left in the wild so it might be the next tiger to be extinct