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Q: How much storage does a mainframe have?
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Who has the most memory storage?

mainframe computers or super domes..

What was the first storage media used with mainframe computers was?


What computers are used for central storage and process large amounts of data?

A Mainframe OR A Super computer

What is the fastest most expensive computer a Notebook computer a Supercomputer a Microcomputer or a Minicomputer?

Mainframe computers have large memory storage. While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer. ... The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer. While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.

Resources must be managed carefully in mainframe?

CPU resources and memory, network bandwidth, storage.

What is a purpose of a main frame?

They are large in size, processes of power and high level of reliability , amount of storage , mainframe have ability to run multiple operating system. they are designed to handle very high volume input and output and a single mainframe can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller severs.

What items would be used for centralized storage example notebok computers PDA's microcomputers or mainframe computers?

notebook computers

What are the advantages of using mainframe in banks?

Used for clearing checks and used at cash points(Like ATM).

What is the purpose of auxiliary storage device in the computer and the function?

Auxiliary storage devices are used to provide additional, portable storage, as opposed to hard drives which are fixed inside the computer and serve as primary storage devices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auxiliary storage is a term used in mainframe computing and refers to the medium on which paging datasets reside.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mainframe computers?

The advantages of a mainframe computer include more computing power and a maximum amount of storage space. The disadvantages include the large amount of space that a mainframe takes to store and the amount of energy required to power and cool this type of computer.

What are the various type of storage devices normally used in mainframe system?

MAinframes these days use DASD [direct acess storage device] as the secondary storage next to High speed buffers. Backup of data is done over tape storage. In olden days punch cards where used as they were even cheaper than tapes...

What is the history of mainframe computers?

short history of mainframe