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There is about 80% of sugar in an average school lunch. the most sugar recorded was 98% of sugar. Usually, it is more over-weight children (a lot more common these days) that have over 80% sugar in their school lunches, or bulimic children.

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The school lunches effect students because it determines if kids get hipper, fat or skinny. Kids need lunch to get concentrate but not to much sugar because they get hipper with all the sugar.

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Lunch costs on an average in America, around 10 dollars a day. School lunches for children average 5 dollars a day. Fast food and sandwiches are popular choices for lunch.

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The cost depends on the school, area, and type of food served. Average public school lunches are usually around 2-3 dollars a day.

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$.047 is what I hear the Portland, Oregon school district pays. can supply them at that price with an additive that makes them biodegrade in landfills.

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I was in high school then and we paid .25 a gallon. My girlfriend had VW Beatle and we would pool the change from our lunch money to help her pay for gas.

Should I bring lunch to school or buy it im in the 7th grade?

It is better to bring your lunch to school - buying it can become expensive if you do it frequently. Also, you have more control over the quality of ingredients as well as the content. This is especially important if you are watching your weight/health because you might not know how much fat, salt, sugar etc. has been added to the cafeteria food. But, if you didn't have time to make lunch, it's okay to buy school food, just choose the healthier options.

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An average person eats breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in Pak land

How much money does student spend on school lunch?

The average kid spends between 3 and 4 dollars in high school, but depending on how hungry they are and what restrictions are made on spending by their parents, many can spend up to 7 or 8 dollars in a day.

How much sugar does a average person contribute in a life time?

1056 pounds of sugar in a lifetime.