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Q: How much take time to take off the plane?
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How much energy did it take for the plane to take off?

Depends on the plane

How much pollution does a plane give when taking off?

well i think it gives off about 2,971 every time it take off hope this helps ! :)

Why an effective disembarkation process at airport is important?

So the plane can be empty on time so boarding after that can happen on time and the plane can then take off on time

Can plane take off in water?

Some plane's are made to take off and land on water

Who lands airplanes control tower or ground control?

Air control lands the plane. They also take the plane off, and pretty much get the plane from point A to B. As soon as they land and turn off the runway, Air control hands them off to ground control which brings them to the gate and from the gate to runway for take off again...

How do you use the word bush plane in a sentence?

the bush plane on the plane were take off

How strong of a head wind can a plane take off in?

It all helps. If a 747 takes off into a 40mph head wind its take off speed will be reduced from 180mph to 140 mph. Pilots much prefer the headwind as it allows them to take off much sooner

What plane can take off on water?

the plane name is"komoto juto"

What can you not take on an air plane?

weapons,paint,well you can take a phone on the plane but you have to turn it off.

Can planes take off and land at same time?

No because the air around the plane has pressure. If two planes take off at the same time the planes will crash. The planes might crash if they land at the same time.

Why must the aeroplane run on the runway before taking off?

Take a 75-300 ton plane, planes need to take off by running on a runway because to take off the plane needs preasure under it's wing so that the preasure can lift the plane up in the sky. The runway has to be atleast 2KM long so that the plane has time to reach it's appropriate speed to take off. people have tried and tried but always failed trying to make a 70-300 ton plane fly just by using a (underbody thruster engine), only one plane succeeded the the or project and that plane was the "harier."

How long does it take to get to Alabama by plane?

That would depend to some extent on the take off point. From Sydney it requires more time then from Gulfport.