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well it depends on how much you smoke. im twelve years old and i smoke im not to proud of it though but anyway if you smoke around 7 a day you but about 3% tar in your body so yeah...

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Q: How much tar do you put in your body from smoking?
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Related questions

What does tar do to your body?

it kills you. You should really stop smoking.

How does smoking effect are body?

all the tar sticks to your lungs and then it can increase your risk of lung cancer

What are some of the dangers of smoking?

The following are some dangers of smoking; tar, and carcinogen substances causes cancer, smoking reduces oxygen in the body, and it also causes pulmonary disorders.

Does tar weaken the immune system?

Not directly but if it comes from smoking it gets into your lungs and weakens your entire body.

How do you get rid of tar in arteries?

There is no tar in arteries, just in lungs. (From smoking).

What effects does smoking cigarettes have on the body?

it gives you cancer in your lungs.the tar in smoke turns your lungs black and it burns them

How is smoking bad for your body?

All the tar in the cigarettes accumulates in your lungs and makes them very congested and you can develop lung cancer and die from it.

What effects does smoking do in the body?

You're taking in thousands of different chemicals into your body when smoking. Smoking is unhealthy mainly due to the nicotine, tar, tobacco and carbon monoxide in the cigarette. They have the following effects:Nicotine - Addictive substance, forcing you to smoke more.Tar - Ruins teeth, fingers and lungs. The tar is the main chemical that leads to cancer.Carbon Monoxide - Takes over the blood's ability to carry oxygen to body tissues including vital organs such as the heart and brain.

Is smoking better then smoking weed?

smoking weed is better than smoking cigarettes. It's much healthier for you!

How much tar does a two pack a day smoker inhale into their lungs a year?

They get about 15 litters of tar in the lungs!smoking is soo,bad for you don't start, from smoking 3 packs in 1 day caused me to get canser in my mouth! I'm only a 14 girl!

What are the passages in the lungs that fill with tar during smoking?


Why are smoker's voices lower?

from the tar and nicotine that you inhale from smoking.